Afternoon Session: Soapstone Carving Workshop for Youth

Afternoon Session: Soapstone Carving Workshop for Youth
Soapstone Carving Workshop for Youth 
Afternoon Session: 1:00 - 2:30 PM

bear-carving.jpgThe Evergreen Arboretum & Gardens is hosting a unique, community arts experience on Saturday, August 20th brought to us by the Northwest Stone Sculptors Association who will lead local youth, ages 8-17 in discovering the art of crafting a sculpture through soapstone carving. Instructors will guide participants through the process of shaping this beautiful, natural material into a figurine to take home. Participation is $30 per person; the soapstone and all necessary tools will be provided by NWSSA, Evergreen Arboretum & Gardens and Studiostone Creative.

Space is limited, Registration is required.

There are two, 90-minute, workshops (one beginning at 10:00am, the other at 1:00pm), with a limit of 15 youth in each workshop. Participants will be working with soapstone and water and soapstone dust will get on participants clothing, so dress appropriately.

Afternoon Registration sign-in 12:30; workshop 1-2:30 pm

* Please arrive early to sign-in. Registration opens 30 minutes before workshop.
* Parent or adult must accompany child to registration in order to sign permission slip and waiver for photography.
* Adults bringing children ages 12 and under are encouraged to stay with them during the workshop.
* Bring your own drinking water and snack if needed.
* This activity is outdoors, so dress for the weather. (Rain jacket or sunscreen!)

This event will be a wonderful opportunity to combine handiwork, mental focus and three-dimensional thinking, all while enjoying the stunning surroundings of Everett's beautiful Arboretum and Gardens. The event is open to the public for viewing and runs in conjunction with The Schack Arts Center's Fresh Paint event.

Event Properties

Event date 08-20-2022 1:00 pm
Event End Date 08-20-2022 2:30 pm
Capacity 15
Available place 14
Individual Price $30.00
Location Everett Arboretum & Gardens

We are no longer accepting registration for this event